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Scripture Reflection, September 29, 2024, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Bill Miller

Numbers 11:25-29 James 5:1-6 Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

Two things stand out in today’s readings —two values that we are called by God to emulate: generosity and responsibility.

The generosity of God is on display in the first reading (The Book of Numbers), and the gospel passage from Mark. In each case, God gives a gift to someone(s). In the first reading, it is Eldad and Medad who receive the gift of prophecy; while, in the gospel, an un-named individual receives the gift of driving out unclean spirits. And, in each case, people who should know better actually question God’s generosity. I must say, at times I have questioned God’s generosity toward others. I am not proud to admit that jealousy is usually behind such thoughts.

In our second reading (from the Letter of James) the virtue of responsibility is featured - and we find it again in the gospel. A first glance at the Epistle might lead one to conclude that wealth is evil — something to be disdained and avoided. This is not the case. However, there are two very important questions about wealth that everyone is responsible to answer. First: How was the wealth produced? (Justly or unjustly). Second: How is the wealth being used? (To better the lives of many who are in need or solely for the benefit of the wealthy individual).

Today’s gospel presents the responsibility that we all bear regarding how we use the wonderful gift of life that our loving God has bestowed upon each of us. We can work for great goodness, or we can choose to engage exclusively in activities for our individual pursuit of pleasure. The responsibility for our choices rests with each of us.

Ten years ago, when our daughter Laura was a young adult, I asked her the following question: “What lesson that your mother and I taught you as you grew up do you remember best?” Without hesitation she replied: “Actions have consequences!” I smiled at her, broadly and lovingly, knowing she had taken that lesson to heart as a responsible young woman.

Generosity and responsibility: words worth pondering from this week’s scriptures.

by: Bill Miller

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