Jeremiah 31:7-9 Hebrews 5:1-6 Mark 10:46-52
This past summer I had cataract surgery in both eyes. It took the doctor only twenty minutes each time and there was no pain involved before or after. Miraculous! On the way home after the first surgery, I gingerly looked out of my new eye through the clear protective cap taped over it. I was amazed! So that is how blue the sky really is! That is how white those fluffy clouds really are!
Over the course of many years cataracts had caused me to see everything with a slight haze as if looking through my own sun lenses. Now I was able to see everything as it really was.
I thought about this wonderful gift of sight when reading today's gospel. And I reflected on the request of the blind man who asks Jesus, "Master, I want to see.”
Though my sight has improved drastically, I know that in many ways I do not see everything as it really is, as it is in God's eyes. Sadly, I suspect we can all say that.
Do I see each person as a beloved child of God? In today's polarized society that is quite a challenge. Do I see the created world as a gift of God given to us to care for and preserve? Or is my vision of the world clouded by expediency and the motive for profit? And how do I see myself? Do I really see myself as God does? Do I care for my body as the gift it is? Do I accept my limitations lovingly or compare myself unfavorably to others I judge smarter, younger, richer or more beautiful?
And if I saw more clearly, if I saw as God sees, how would I live differently?
Let us pray: Good and gracious God, help us to see. And seeing more clearly, help us to live more deeply, more lovingly. Amen.
by: Pat Schnee