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Scripture Reflection, December 15, 2024, Third Sunday of Advent

Bill Miller

Zephaniah 3:14-18a Philippians 4:4-7 Luke 3:10-18

They say the pessimist is one who sees the glass half empty, and the optimist is one who sees the glass half full. I suggest that the Christian is one who sees the glass as constantly being refilled. And that constant infusion of the Divine in our lives is the cause of our joy on this Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent.

Jesus came two thousand years ago, will come again and remains with us. "The Lord is near,” says Paul in the second reading. And so, in spite of the potentially anxiety-causing state of affairs in the world, we can still “Rejoice!”

The presence of God can be seen all around us in big and little ways if we have eyes to see.

My Facebook page and neighborhood website reveals again and again people caring for one another. Giving Tree tags are hung, then swooped up and replaced by bright gifts at the bottom of the tree.

On a larger scale we see immigration lawyers shepherding immigrants through our costly and time-consuming labyrinth of an immigration system. We see dedicated individuals working to exonerate prisoners unjustly incarcerated. Men and women in uniforms of all kinds spend their lives in harm’s way to keep us safe. Civic leaders stay committed to dialogue over thorny issues for the greater good.

In today's gospel the crowds ask John the Baptist, "What should we do? “

The answers he gives are not earthshaking, but simple, doable actions that embody kindness, justice and generosity. And reveal the presence of God. Acting as the hands of Jesus now in time and space, we help keep the glass refilling. And that inevitably leads to joy!

Pope Francis says, "We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is… Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you. “

"What should I do?” Make that your prayer this week. Then follow through and rejoice in the presence of “God with us”, Emmanuel !

by: Pat Schnee

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