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Scripture Reflection, September 22, 2024, 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Bill Miller

Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 James 3:16—4:3 Mark 9:30-37

“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me receives…the One who sent me”. (Jesus, as quoted in today’s gospel passage from Mark). This is an important line in today’s gospel. It deserves some attention.

Let me tell you a story. My wife Marilyn and I have long enjoyed watching the network TV series called Chicago Fire, now in it’s 12th season. In one particular episode (from season 5), Christopher Herman, a firefighter at Firehouse 51, is instrumental in saving the life of a ten year old boy, rescuing him from the back seat of a car that had burst into flames as the result of an accident. As the boy is being loaded into an ambulance he yells to his father, who was also rescued, “Dad, my baseball card collection!” By this time, the car is engulfed in flames and the card collection has been destroyed.

Firefighter Herman, also a huge baseball fan, hears the pain in the young boy’s voice and goes to comfort him. Herman, who has a great collection of cards from his youth, decides to give the boy his collection - a gift to ease his emotional pain. He spends hours rummaging through his attic to find the collection, only to be reminded by his wife that he had sold those cards at a garage sale many years earlier.

Herman begins to worry that he will only add to the boy’s pain when he has to renege on his promise. He must find another way to give comfort to the young baseball fan. Against all odds, he befriends one of the security guards at Wrigley field who allows Herman to bring the boy to a practice session for the Chicago Cubs. There the boy gets to meet his favorite Cub, who signs his arm cast.

As a fan of this show, I know that Firefighter Christopher Herman is considered the heart and soul of Firehouse 51. Several of the members of his team have given him that moniker over the years. With a loving wife and five pretty great kids, Christopher understands family life, as well as the ways to welcome, comfort and support children (and adults). The line from today’s gospel, quoted at the beginning of this reflection, captures the essence of Firefighter Christopher Herman.

I am willing to bet that we all know at least one person who has Christopher’s gift for welcoming children. And it stands to reason that Jesus would like all of us to develop such a gift in ourselves - so that we can be open to receiving all the love that God has in store for us, and sharing that love with others.

by: Bill Miller

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