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Scripture Reflection, May 5, 2024, Sixth Sunday of Easter

Bill Miller

Acts of the Apostles 10:25-26, 34-35,44-48 1 John 4:7-10 John 15:9-17

“Love, Love, Love.” So goes the refrain from the iconic Beatles song: All You Need Is Love!

We get a similar message from our scripture readings today. And today’s readings emphatically make the connection that God is Love. My professor of logic from my college days, Fr. James O’Brien, S.J., would undoubtedly say: “Therefore, all we need is God.”

In our gospel reading from John, Jesus is quoted, saying: “I have told you this that my joy may be in you and your joy might be complete.” Love, deep and abiding love, also brings joy. In my first book, Finding Your Spiritual Direction as a Catechist, I relate the story of Jasmine, a worker at the counter of a fast food restaurant I frequented. One day, in the dead of winter, Jasmine and the restaurant cook were working short handed and a customer berated her for the slow service he was receiving. He was merciless in his criticism. When he left the restaurant, the next lady in line at the counter tried to comfort Jasmine, saying that Jasmine should have never had to endure such verbal abuse. Jasmine simply looked at her with a big smile on her face and said: “It’s O.K., that man didn’t give me my joy; I’m not going to let him take it away.” I knew for a fact that Jasmine was a devout Christian who dearly loved the Lord. Moreover, she knew and felt God’s love for her. Her joy was complete, formed and realized in the love that she and the Lord shared for each other.

God created us and chose us to be God’s very own, to be loved unconditionally and all-inclusively. Like Jasmine, we too can be transformed by God’s love. But first, we must accept it, embrace it and reciprocate it. And we show our love for God by loving and caring for those whom we encounter along the way.

“Love, love, love….All You Need Is Love!” John, Paul, George and Ringo were really inspired when they wrote those lines - perhaps even more inspired than they realized. In my humble opinion, the Holy Spirit was at work in their midst, whether they knew it or not.

Think about it!

by: Bill Miller

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