Exodus 34:4b-6,8-9 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 John 3:16-18

One of the things I love most about my Catholic faith is the fact that it is built on 2000 years of history - with a firm foundation in the message and the life of Jesus Christ. And Jesus introduced us to the concept of The Blessed Trinity. He constantly referred to his love for and dedication to the Father; and he gave us the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit on the feast of Pentecost. The Trinity was a central focus of Christ’s ministry on earth.
In focusing on the Trinity, Jesus also gave us a blueprint for the essence of God - God is love! Not only does God love and care for us; but God loves God’s very self. This is evident in the way that Jesus Christ talks about the Father and the Spirit. As God models that self-love for us, God invites us to love and cherish ourselves.
Periodically, I have mentioned in these reflections that I often encounter directees in my spiritual direction practice who have difficulty loving themselves. They focus too much on their inadequacies and lose sight of their innate goodness, as creatures of our loving God. As I try to assist them in seeing their own goodness and worth, I often see an improvement in their world view and their ability to love God and to love their neighbor. This is an exciting thing.
I am excited to celebrate The Most Holy Trinity today - a celebration of divine love and all that it offers us. I love the reference to the Sign of the Cross in Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. It reminds me of God’s love and of the rich tradition of this sacred prayer in our Church.
A friend, and member of a faith sharing group in which I participate, recently shared a lovely reflection on the The Sign of the Cross. It goes something like this: In the name of the Father (God is the Creator, I am not in control, but surrender to God’s will for my life) and of the Son (God is also my redeemer, teaching me how to live) and the Holy Spirit (my constant companion, assuring me that I will never be left alone). Amen. (This is the way it is - God is love - So be it!).
The Most Holy Trinity: let us celebrate our magnificent triune God, who is our Creator, our Redeemer and our Sustainer, now and forever. Amen!
by: Bill Miller