Isaiah 62:1-5 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 John 2:1-11

Today's gospel story takes place in Cana at a wedding feast. It is the occasion of the first of the seven “signs“ (miracles) in John’s gospel. Looking at this gospel now as the mother of adult children, I am intrigued by the conversation between Mary and Jesus.
There comes a time when you can no longer tell your children what to do! Jesus has arrived at that time. And so Mary simply says "They have no wine.” She hasn't asked him to do anything, but he clearly feels she has made a request because his response is "How does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come. “ In today's vernacular that would be something like, "And that concerns me… How? “
But Mary does not engage in any debate about whether this is the time for Jesus to act or not. She simply turns to the servers and says "Do whatever he tells you.“ I see that as her way of saying to Jesus, “No, Son, I think your hour has come. “
I wonder what Mary saw, as she gently nudged him out of the nest and into a more public life from which there is no turning back. What did she feel?
She has heard him preach; he has already gathered some disciples. She certainly knows that his message will put him in danger with both Temple and State. And yet… she gives him to the task and to the future…and to us his followers.
It takes courage to bring a child into this broken world. And it takes courage to send your child out into the world, knowing its challenges, its pitfalls, its pain, as well as its joys. Even more so, for this child of hers.
But into this world she sends him by her words to the servers. They are the last words that scripture gives us from Mary, “Do whatever he tells you.” These simple words echo through time to us, modern day servers of her son. It is what she asks of us in his memory, to build the world he envisioned, to make it as real on earth as it is in heaven. It is her request of us and it is our mandate.
Do whatever he tells you.
by: Pat Schnee