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Scripture Reflection for October 2, 2022, the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Bill Miller

Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14 Luke 17:5-10

Today I choose to focus on the very profound reading from Habakkuk. It demonstrates that God tends to take “the long view”, working slowly, in order to allow for our own participation in the creative process. We are, after all, co-creators with the Lord. God gives us that wonderful gift, allowing us to choose to be involved in the creative process; and it can be one of the most satisfying and rewarding feelings…working hand in hand with the Lord in order to bring about God’s reign here on earth.

As a spiritual director, I find that, at one time or another, most of my directees complain just as the Israelites complained, that God works too slowly. “How long oh Lord? I cry for help, but you do not listen!” I can’t find it in my heart to chastise them for their impatience, for I too am impatient with the Lord at times! I have learned from experience that, when I pray the prayer of “surrender” - giving a specific problem or desire over to God - I must also pray for the patience necessary in order to leave it with God. I must allow for the fact that God works in God’s own time, and has reasons for doing so that are far beyond my understanding,

As I have prayed with this reading today, I have realized that many great events in my life have come to pass at just the right time; not so much when I thought I wanted them to happen, but when they were actually most needed. My selection for an important position on the board of a national organization (long after I thought “that ship had sailed”); or the financial gift that came to our family at just the moment we needed it in order to accomplish an important work of service - these are excellent examples of that.

God’s timing is not our own! However, God’s goodness, generosity and love are infinitely grand and never ending. We begin to realize that when we have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the patience to wait for the Lord’s good work!

by: Bill Miller

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