Proverbs 9:1-6 Ephesians 5:15-20 John 6:51-58

When I was growing up we learned about the food pyramid. That was just about the extent of our understanding of nutrition. Today it's very different. Food packaging includes the recommended daily allowance of important nutrients, how many calories in a serving, and exactly how many of those cookies constitute a serving. Spoiler alert… It might be fewer than you hoped! Whole aisles in the grocery store feature foods that are gluten free, sugar-free or low in sodium. So what's changed?
I suspect we have learned that the foods we consume have a direct bearing on our health. Some foods can have a damaging effect on our body over time. Other foods and a balanced diet can give us a healthier body, more energy, even help us fight off disease.
But if we just look, however admiringly, at the fruits and vegetables on our way to the chips, those fruits and vegetables aren't going to help us. We need to consume healthy food… to make it part of us.
In today's gospel Jesus says "For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink…. One who feeds on me will have life because of me.”
In order for this heavenly food to give us healthy souls we need to use it. We need to take it in and make it a part of our living… To be… like him… broken and shared to answer the hungers of the world.
To become what we eat.
by: Pat Schnee