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November 27, 2022 - First Sunday of Advent

Bill Miller

Isaiah 2:1-5 Romans 13:11-14 Matthew 24:37-44

The bumper sticker said, "Jesus is coming back, look busy! “

I smiled. It reminded me of the lyrics of a song we sing on at church, "Find us ready Lord, not standing still.“ And they both remind me of today's New Testament scriptures, which tell us to stay awake. Though the bumper sticker refers to the second coming of Jesus, we each will have our own meeting with Jesus at the end of our life. In preparation for that encounter Saint Paul tells us to "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ.” Matthew says, "Stay awake…“

So what should we be busy doing? What does it mean to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ?”

As Advent, which begins today, unfolds we will get specific details. The centerpiece of Jesus’ preaching, the kingdom of God, is a kingdom of justice and peace. To walk in his footsteps requires the same dedication from us. It requires that we pay attention, that we know where injustice thrives and we work against it as he did.

Living the gospel

What will you be busy doing? Will you be tutoring a child who needs extra help to break out of the cycle of poverty? Will you be helping at a soup kitchen to feed people who are hungry and homeless? Will you be giving emotional or financial support to a young mother struggling to provide for her infant? Will you be networking with others to raise consciousness around issues of racism and antisemitism? Will you be handling the challenges of aging with grace, serving as an inspiration to others? Will yours be a ministry of prayer for those who are suffering?

If so, it sounds like you'll be awake and ready.

by: Pat Schnee

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