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Bill Miller

June 19, 2022 - The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Genesis 14:18-20 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Luke 9:11b-17

In today’s readings, especially the gospel, we are reminded of the magnificence of the love that God has for us…as witnessed by the ways that God provides for us in our times of need.

At the end of a day spent listening to the Lord and reveling in the power of his message for them, the disciples are ready to send the crowd home hungry. Jesus is quick to point out that, by the power of the father that has been granted to him, he (Jesus) is capable of satisfying their hungers…spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Today, as in the past, we sometimes forget the wonderful effect God’s love can have on our lives. We forget that we are called to give our needs and the desires of our hearts over to God in prayer. We are called to put things in God’s hands. It is no accident that today’s reading from Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians implores use to remember! Remember God’s love, remember God’s faithfulness and remember God’s desire to sustain us and to help us grow. And lest we forget, God uses the words of institution from the Eucharist to remind us: “Do this in remembrance of me”.

Sometimes I recall a specific song to help me remember! It is the beautiful hymn by Omer Westendorf and Robert E. Kreutz, titled: You Satisfy the Hungry Heart. Dear Lord, I pray that I will never forget what it is you who gives me life and love; you who satisfies the desires of my heart.

by: Bill Miller

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